First-hand knowledge from strong cooperation partners
In order to offer more topics and to make the platform more interesting and more valuable for learners, KROHNE publishes eLearning courses produced together with industry partners, for example in regard to norms and regulations.
The companies TÜV NORD, KROHNE, SAMSON and PHOENIX CONTACT have created, in close cooperation, ten practical eLearning modules on the topic of “Functional safety in the process industry”. These modules provide an overview of the key concepts and methods of functional safety, which are explored through many illustrative examples taken from the field.
The partners in brief

offers a comprehensive spectrum of consulting, testing and services for process control engineering, automation systems, hardware and software especially for the energy and chemical industries.

develops and manufactures industrial electrical and electronic technology products that power, protect, connect and automate systems and equipment for a wide range of industries.

is a world leader in measurement and control technologies for use in chemical plants, refineries, oil and gas applications, food and pharmaceutical processes as well as in district heating and the HVAC sector.

develops, produces and sells products and solutions in the field of flow, level, temperature, analysis and pressure measuring technology. KROHNE is one of the market leaders in industrial process instrumentation.