Independent product and commercial-free learning material

Electronic and audio-enhanced eLearning courses on various topics

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Courses available in up to 5 languages: English, German, French, Russian, Chinese

Free and unlimited use of the learning platform and of all available courses

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Cooperation with industry partners in regard to norms and regulations

More than 15,000 registered users worldwide

Platform and content optimised for mobile use

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KROHNE Academy online gives you direct access to the knowledge and vast experience of one of the leading suppliers in industrial process measurement. The learning platform with lots of eLearning courses is dedicated to people involved in process measurement that come into contact with different measurement principles on a daily basis, as well as to students or to interested parties who wish to bring their knowledge of measurement techniques and applications in technical installations up-to-date. Registration and use of the platform are completely free.

  • Learning platform with focus on industrial process measurement
  • Features audio enhanced digital eLearning courses on lots of topics, including measuring principles and basics, basics of gas measurement, pipeline leak detection or general topics such as explosion protection or principles of hygiene for the food processing industry
  • Cooperation with other companies on standards and regulations, such as the eLearning course “Functional safety (SIL)”
  • Registration and use are completely free of charge
  • Commercial-free instructional eLearning material in up to five languages
  • Independent of time and place
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Certificate of completion
  • Online access to the technical knowledge library of one of the leading manufacturers of solutions for industrial process instrumentation

ILIAS Logo WebThe platform KROHNE Academy online is based on ILIAS, an open source web-based learning management system (LMS). ILIAS offers a lot of features to design and run online-courses, create learning content, offer assessments and exercises, run surveys and support communication and cooperation among users.

To get all information at a glance, please download our flyer here.

Available eLearning courses

Guided Radar (TDR) Level transmitters

Guided Radar (TDR) Level transmitters

All basics of the measurement principle

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Electromagnetic Flowmeters

Electromagnetic Flowmeters

Basics of the measurement principle

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PROFINET – One of the leading industrial Ethernet communications interfaces

PROFINET – One of the leading industrial Ethernet communications interfaces

Basics and advantages of PROFINET  in plant operation.

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Variable Area Flowmeters

Variable Area Flowmeters

Basics of the measurement principle

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Entrained Gas Management in Coriolis Flowmeters

Entrained Gas Management in Coriolis Flowmeters

How to manage entrained gas in process applications.
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Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flowmeters

Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flowmeters

Flexible flow measurement without direct fluid contact

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EcoMATE™ and regulations EU MRV and IMO DCS

EcoMATE™ and regulations EU MRV and IMO DCS

Electronic fuel consumption and carbon emission monitoring system for ships

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Radar Level Measurement


Radar Level Measurement

Basics of the measurement principle

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Basics of Explosion Protection

Basics of Explosion Protection

Physical, technical and legal principles, construction regulations

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Sludge level and sedimentation profile metering

Sludge level and sedimentation profile metering

Measurement principles and application areas

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Coriolis Mass Flowmeters

Coriolis Mass Flowmeters

Basics of the measurement principle

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Vortex Flowmeters

Vortex Flowmeters

Basics of the measurement principle

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Functional Safety (SIL) in the process industry

Functional Safety (SIL) in the process industry

With focus on  IEC 61508
and IEC 61511
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Vortex Flowmeters Applications

Vortex Flowmeters Applications

Six applications described in detail

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Basics and Physics of Gases

Basics and Physics of Gases

Basics, Properties, Classification

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Ultrasonic Flowmeter – Liquids

Ultrasonic Flowmeter – Liquids

Basics of the measurement principle

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Driving process efficiency through measurement technology

Driving process efficiency through measurement technology

Driving process efficiency through measurement technology

Process measurement technology has the capability to increase efficiency

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Industrial Temperature Measurement I

Industrial Temperature Measurement I

Basics of the measurement principles (modules 1-3)

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Industrial Temperature Measurement II

Industrial Temperature Measurement II

Basics of the measurement principles (modules 4-6)

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Industrial Temperature Measurement III

Industrial Temperature Measurement III

Focus on temperature applications (module 7)

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Temperature measuring points in standard applications and in safety loops (SIL)

Temperature measuring points in standard applications and in safety loops (SIL)

Planning phase, assembly, installation, typical errors

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Pipeline leak detection

Pipeline leak detection

Explanation of different methods

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Principles hygiene for the food processing industry

Principles hygiene for the food processing industry

Overview of all relevant areas

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Magnetic Resonance based multiphase flowmeter


Magnetic Resonance based multiphase flowmeter

Basics of the measuring principle

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Introduction into NIR Spectroscopy

Introduction into NIR Spectroscopy

Modern Analysis technology for process control

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