With our online seminars you learn directly from our experts!

In addition to the eLearning courses, the KROHNE Academy offers online seminars on various topics in the field of industrial process instrumentation. The online seminars cover a wide range of best practices and specific applications, right through to demanding challenges in various industries. The online seminars also deal with specific solutions and techniques that meet customer requirements. Our online seminar offer is free of charge.

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All online seminars

Effizienter Betrieb von Tauchmotorrührwerken im Umlaufbecken an externen Umrichtern und intelligenten Motormanagern | on-demand
Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie die Energieeffizienz in Belebungsbecken mit extern geregelten Rührwerken, in Abhängigkeit der verfahrensbedingten Reinigungsleistung im Griff haben und die notwendigen Informationen zum Zustand erhalten.
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Einfach, sicher, einsparen – Portallösung für Ihre Anlagen | on-demand
Wie vernetze, überwache und steuer ich kostengünstig und mit einer hohen Verfügbarkeit meine Anlagen? Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit der Digitalisierung bares Geld in der Betriebsführung sparen können.
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Datenfernübertragung | on-demand
Vorstellung verschiedener Datenfern-Übertragungsmöglichkeiten, sowie Daten-Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten. Auch die Datenspeicherung und Verarbeitung auf gesicherten Servern, sowie Visualisierung und Integration in bestehende Infrastrukturen wie z.B. SCADA-Systeme werden vorgestellt.
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Grabenlose Sanierung von Trinkwasserleitungen | on-demand
Zur Verringerung der Wasserverluste im Trinkwassernetz können verschiedene grabenlose Sanierungsmaßnahmen für die alten Rohrleitungen zum Einsatz kommen. Welche Randbedingungen müssen beachtet werden? Was Kosten die Verfahren im Vergleich?
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Anlagen-EMV in der Praxis – Ausgewählte Beispiele | on-demand
Erdung von Niederspannungsanlagen und 24 V Gleichstromversorgungen, Leitungsschirmung, Potentialausgleich, vagabundierende Ströme. Erfahren Sie, warum so manches Phänomen in der Vergangenheit Ihre Anlage heimsuchte.
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Messtechnik-Highlights für Schlüsselanwendungen in Wasser- und Abwasser | on-demand
Präsentation von Key Messgeräten (z.B. Durchfluss-Analyse, Füllstand, Druck etc.), sowie deren Funktionen für die Wasser & Abwasserindustrie. Speziell der Vergleich klassischer Erdungsmethoden und die Vorstellung einer alternativen Erdungsmethode.
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Messtechnische Lösungen, deren Planung und Services in Regenbecken und Kanalnetz | on-demand
Regenwassermanagement wird immer wichtiger. In diesem Vortrag werden gesetzliche Hintergründe zum Einsatz von Messtechniken in Regenbecken erläutert, messtechnische Lösungen im Bereich Regenbecken aufgezeigt, sowie deren Planung mit einer Online-Planungshilfe vorgestellt.
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Moderne Kunststoffschächte für gewerbliche und kommunale Anwendungen | on-demand
Sie bekommen ein kurzen Einblick in die Normanforderungen von Kunststoffschächten, insbesondere für die Einbautiefe im Grundwasser und praxisgerechten Qualitätsnachweisen. Es werden Ihnen in zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen Sonderkonstruktionen auf Basis moderner Kunststoffschächte aus Polyethylen (PE) gezeigt.
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Effizienzsteigerung durch digitale Vernetzung von Pumpensystemen PM-Motoren in Brunnenfeldern | on-demand
Eine Steigerung von Effizienz ist nur über den Systemgedanken möglich. Grundvoraussetzungen sind Vernetzungen und Kommunikation. Der gezielte Einsatz der Drehzahlregelung und Abstimmung unter den Aggregaten ermöglicht es, energetisch günstige Betriebspunkte anzufahren und zu halten.
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Vom 3 Säulenkonzept im Abwassertransport zur smarten Abwasserpumpstation | on-demand
Es geht um die optimale Hydraulik, um Einsatz von richtigen Feuchttüchern und es werden intelligente Pumpstationen vorgestellt. Unter der Intelligenz verstehen wir Systeme, die ohne das Zutun des Betreibers dazu in der Lage sind, intelligent auf Veränderungen in ihrem Umfeld zu reagieren.
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„Funktionale Sicherheit SIL“ | not available
Kurzübersicht der Normen und Regelwerke und Kenngrößen zur SIL-Klassifizierung unter besonderem Aspekt der Unterscheidung zwischen zufälligen Hardwarefehlern und systematischen Fehlern aus Sicht des Unabhängigen Dritten.
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„Geplante Änderungen der IEC 61508 in der 3. Ausgabe und deren Auswirkungen“ | not available
Diese Präsentation gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die geplanten Änderungen und hebt die für den Anwender wichtigsten Teile und ihre möglichen Auswirkungen auf aktuelle und zukünftige Entwicklungen hervor.
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„Optimierung von PLT-Schutzeinrichtungen“ | on-demand
Dieser Vortrag beschreibt Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von Schutzeinrichtungen mittels Online Diagnosen, Partial-Proof- Tests sowie die Verbindung von Schutz- und Regeleinrichtungen.
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„Aktorik in Sicherheitskreisen mit Fokus auf pneumatische Antriebe“ | not available
Es werden Themen wie die richtige Auswahl und Auslegung von Stellantrieben, Online-Diagnosemöglichkeiten (PST) und Proof Tests behandelt, sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Fehlererkennung aufgezeigt.
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„Best Practice: Vermeidung systematischer Fehler in der Temperaturmesstechnik“ | on-demand
Dieser Vortrag beschreibt zunächst die Grundlagen der Temperaturmesstechnik in Sicherheitskreisen: Es wird detailliert aufgezeigt welche systematischen Fehler während der Planungsphase, der Inbetriebsetzung und während des Betriebs am häufigsten auftreten und wie sie sich am besten vermeiden lassen.
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„Betriebsbewährtheit“ | not available
Für einige Komponenten in Sicherheitskreisen (insbesondere mechanische und elektromechanische Komponenten) gibt es oftmals keinen Nachweis der „SIL Eignung“.
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„Safety Projekt Plan – Von Beginn an systematisch richtig“ | not available
Fehler in prozesstechnischen Anlagen können schwerwiegende Folgen haben. Umso bedauerlicher ist es, wenn es sich dabei um Fehler handelt, die sich bereits bei Projektanfang eingeschlichen haben und vermeidbar gewesen wären.
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„Flow computers and flow computing“ | on-demand
In this online seminar we explain the basics behind flow computers and flow computing. It will be explained what instrumentation is typically connected to a flow computer, and what the flowcomputer does with all these readings.
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„In-field proving and master metering“ | on-demand
In this online seminar we explain the basics behind in-field flowmeter proving systems and master metering.
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„Keine Experimente – Wie Sie die Cyber-Sicherheitsrisiken Ihrer Produktionsanlage minimieren“ | not available
DWA Empfehlungen/BSI Vorgaben und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel kleiner und mittlerer Anlagen mit überschaubarem Aufwand umsetzen.
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„Wet gas measurement“ | on-demand
In this online seminar we explain the basics behind KROHNE’s venturi based wet gas measurement system.
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„Software-based instrument validation and metering solutions“ | on-demand
In this online seminar we present a modular approach to Metering Supervisory Solutions.
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„Custody Transfer metering systems“ | on-demand
In this online seminar we explain the basics behind a state-of-art custody transfer metering system in a master-duty configuration.
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„EnhancedConnectivity – Using the digital twin with HART“ | on-demand
An online comparison between software and field devices allows data to be checked and deviations to be identified. By tapping the pre-existing HART enabled devices, even in...
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„#EnhancedConnectivity – Monitoring rotating equipment“ | on-demand
In the oil and gas industry we find rotation equipment upstream, midstream as well as downstream normally as pumps. Here the monitoring of the rotating equipment is a pre-condition to avoid down times. Predictive maintenance is the key word here.
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„Best Practice: Vermeidung systematischer Fehler in der Druckmesstechnik“ | on-demand
Dieser Vortrag beschreibt zunächst die generellen Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Druckmesstechnik in Sicherheitskreisen: Absolut- oder Relativdruckmessung an Behältern oder Leitungen; Füllstandmessungen mittels hydrostatischer Druckmessung; Durchflussmessungen mittels Messung des Differenzdrucks.
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„Aktorik in Sicherheitskreisen – Anforderungen und Auslegungskriterien“ | not available
Der Stellantrieb und die Stellantriebssteuerung sind die Schnittstelle zwischen dem elektrischen und mechanischen Teil des Sicherheitssystems (SIS).
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„Bewertung von mechanischen Komponenten in Sicherheitskreisen“ | not available
Obwohl mechanische Komponenten häufig integrale Bestandteile von Sicherheitskreisen sind, werden sie in der IEC 61508 nicht angemessen berücksichtigt.
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„#EnhancedConnectivity – Digital oil field“ | on-demand
In times of low crude oil prices reducing costs and increasing efficiency – mainly upstream is of the essence. One way of doing this is digitalization of oil fields which means data logging on well pads and...
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„Smart Monitoring and Protection of Pipelines“ | on-demand
In this online seminar you will learn about modern pipeline management solutions and how to choose the best mix based on your application.
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„Basics of Pipeline Leak Detection Systems“ | on-demand
The online seminar describes the basic fundamentals of pipeline leak detection possibilities from the simplest to the state-of-the-art systems reducing detection times from hours to minutes. Different examples will be given of successful pipeline applications.
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„Third Party Interference, Product Theft, Illegal Tapping and how to Detect It“ | on-demand
This presentation describes methods to identify and localize illegal tapping and product theft by providing a theft detection system.
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„Predicting Future Pipeline Behaviour by Pipeline Modeling“ | on-demand
The online seminar explains how pipeline modeling can be used to predict the future pipeline behavior for the next hours and even up to several days to improve pipeline operation and maintenance.
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„How to Fulfil Requirements of a Pipeline Leak Detection Program (API 1175)“ | on-demand
The online seminar describes the different aspects of a Pipeline Leak Detection Program and how to fulfil them.
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„Slack Line Flow in Pipelines and How to Identify It“ | on-demand
This online seminar focuses on how to detect slack line flow by using pipeline modeling. The online seminar describes how such a model works and how operators can benefit from it.
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„How to remotely commission and operate a Pipeline Leak Detection System“ | on-demand
This online seminar will describe how a lot of onsite services can now be performed remotely showing the cost and project execution benefits based on practical experience.
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„#EnhancedConnectivity – Data logging and data transformation“ | on-demand
The online seminar will show different options for data logging and transmission for monitoring solutions based on real examples. It will also cover the cyber security requirements and how they are fulfilled.
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„Inspection of Challenging Pipelines“ | on-demand
The online seminar presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the in-line inspection (ILI) solutions available today with a special focus on challenging pipelines.
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„NIMA Use Case: Risk Based Inspection for Storage Tanks“ | on-demand
The online seminar describes how Risk Based Inspection program can be implemented to achieve inspection effectiveness through aligning inspection technologies to damage mechanisms.
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„Intelligent solutions for reliable waste water transport“ | on-demand
The continuous increase in the cost of water and the advance in water saving technologies had an unexpected effect on the “structure” of wastewater: Today, a cubic meter of sewage contains much more solids than 10 or 20 years ago ...
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„Remote Data Communication“ | on-demand
In this online seminar we present various remote data transmission options as well as data visualization.
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„Energy saving with high efficient water pumping solutions“ | on-demand
Water supply systems have a significant economical and environmental impact due to large amount of energy consumption in water pumping systems.
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„Key measuring devices and features in water and wastewater applications“ | on-demand
Presentation of key measuring devices (e.g. flow, analysis, pressure, temperature, level etc.) and key features dedicated to the water & wastewater industry.
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„Communication technologies for holistic automation on WWTPs“ | on-demand
This session shows, which possibilities exist regarding the structure of a communication network and which benefits arise for the water industry due to an integrative system.
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„IT security in the practical use“ | on-demand
We’ll show in the presentation how intuitive it is to protect your OT network before cyber security attacks and+F10 parts: The general introduction on power point is followed by a live demonstration.
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„Smart Solution for efficient wastewater pumping stations“ | on-demand
Mostly pumping stations can be found in several applications, especially in sewer systems. Typically, they are working as an autonomous solution without a connection to a higher SCADA system.
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„Digitalisation in Water and Wastewater Industries“ | on-demand
Bringing proven solutions and concepts to modern platforms and thus transforming them cost-effectively using the example of various facilities/associations.
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„Workload Reduction via LDS Technologies: A U.S. Compliance Perspective“ | on-demand
Technological advances in oil and gas are propelling the market toward a new level of efficiency that directly affects safety ...
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„Improved geothermal plant availability and turbine life by utilizing a new metering approach“ | on-demand
Geothermal steam is close to saturation or even wet and contains NCGs and other unwanted substances ...
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„Take up the brine challenge … how to apply flowmeters for geothermal brine“ | on-demand
Geothermal fluid is basically a multiphase mixture consisting of steam, NCGs and brine which can contain H2S, chlorides and other substances. Once separated the challenges in the brine continue ...
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„Level Measurement in Geothermal Applications“ | on-demand
Separators, heat exchangers/evaporizers and condensers are not the only devices where level meters are applied within the geothermal power plant ...
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„Basics and advanced applications in flow meter calibration and verification“ | on-demand
This online seminar is considering the theoretical background and practical aspects of calibration and verification of inline flowmeters for new and existing installations ...
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„Basics of custody transfer solutions for measuring systems for liquids other than water“ | on-demand
This online seminar firstly gives an overview of the legal requirements of measuring systems for liquids other than water, i.e. crude oil or refined products ...
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„Advanced applications of custody transfer solutions for measuring systems for liquids other than water“ | on-demand
This online seminar builds up upon the previous seminar "Basics of custody transfer solutions". It describes seven different applications in detail.
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„Adding value in challenging times – increasing plant efficiency in the chemical industry“ | on-demand
In this online seminar, you will learn how KROHNE as supplier can contribute to increase your plant´s efficiency with products, solutions, and services ...
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„Long Term Competitive Advantages – Sustainability and reduced Ecological Footprint“ | on-demand
On their way to the highest possible level of sustainability, chemical companies have to consider measures to reduce the ecological footprint of their processes ...
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„Application: Technical Gases“ | on-demand
This presentation will explain how innovative instrumentation can improve not only hydrogen processing, but all technical gases processes ...
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„Chemical Plant Instrumentation: Internet of Things – or Things in the Internet?“ | on-demand
In this online seminar, there will be a short overview of the current state of industrial ethernet systems for the chemical industry, followed by methods for adaptation of instrumentation into an “industry 4.0” or “IIoT” environment ...
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„Innovative measurement technology in confectionery production“ | on-demand
In this online-seminar, we take the production of chocolate as an example to present the benefits of the latest technological developments for users in the food and beverage industry ...
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„Reliable 2-phase flow measurement in the food and beverage industry“ | on-demand
It has always been a great challenge to control a process where wanted or unwanted air in the food or dairy product is present ...
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„Optical total suspended solids sensor for hygienic applications in the food and beverage industry“ | on-demand
Process optimization is the key in process control and process steering. Most of the time process analysis is still a parameter which is measured in the laboratory and therefore time consuming ...
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„Main instrumentation requirements for projects executed under the combined heat and power act“ | on-demand
Many of today's combined heat and power projects are made possible by utilizing governmetal support. These programs help to accelerate the energy transition and achieve the desired climate goals ...
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„Metering system, for fuel gas and related standards in context with the power and heat act“ | on-demand
Fuel gas measurement and regulating stations applied for projects under the combined heat and power act not only need to meet metrological and technical requirements. Learn the fundamentals of the measurement instruments directive MI-002 applied for fuel gas ...
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„The Measuring Instruments Directive MID and its implemantation with heat metering as a practical example“ | on-demand
The use of available "waste" heat is the main reason for significant efficiency improvments in power generation. Get a general understanding of the measuring instruments directive and the local implementation in the EU member states ...
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„Feedwater, Steam and condensate measurement in CHP projects“ | on-demand
Feedwater and steam are part of the core power generation process. Get to know measurement technologies for feedwater and steam ...
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„Best in class pumping solutions for groundwater extraction“ | on-demand
The most common method for ground water extraction is to use borehole pumps in different size depends on amount of required water and conditions in the well ...
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„PROFINET – the unique door opener for the water industry“ | on-demand
Introduction to PROFINET communication as well as showing the benefits for the daily plant operation. PROFINET offers operators a continuous communication down to the field level...
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„Leakage Detection Management System dedicated for long water transmission pipelines“ | on-demand
Workshop about a leakage management system on long water transmission pipelines. KROHNEs sophisticated solution and background to get efficient water transmission pipelines...
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„Customized solutions for efficient and reliable biological wastewater treatment“ | on-demand
Most municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants apply biological treatment for the removal of oxygen demanding substances as well as nutrients ...
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„Higher plant availability due to surge protection“ | on-demand
Water and wastewater management is characterised by the large number of networked processes from the field level to the control level ...
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„How to minimize the cyber security risks of your W&WW plant“ | on-demand
Water is the most important human food. Therefore, protecting the water supply, including ensuring drinking water security, is essential ...
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„Experiences from cybersecurity projects in critical infrastructures. How to implement passive anomaly detection“ | on-demand
Cybersecurity in OT networks is the important topic nowadays. It is much more important if you are the engineer for the OT network in a critical infrastructure like water, wastewater, energy and more ...
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„Alarm handling, escalation and management in distributed automation projects. How to minimize downtimes and increase availability with common tools“ | on-demand
Alarms are not always a problem. In some cases, the output of an organised alarm handling helps you to understand where are the biggest possibilities to achieve a higher availability of your plant ...
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