Software-based instrument validation and metering solutions


In this online seminar we present a modular approach to Metering Supervisory Solutions. It is explained which modules are available and the primary functions, such as supervisory, accounting & reporting, instrument validations, condition-based monitoring and services will be explained. We show how our SynEnergy software solution helps to bring operational excellence to our customers.

Key Takeaways

  • How do our software solutions help to achieve maximum operational efficiency
  • How does the operator benefit from human-centric information
  • How do our solutions integrate in plant networks and ERP systems


Marc Bolier

Marc Bolier

KROHNE, Manager R&D KROHNE Oil & Gas

Marc joined KROHNE Oil and Gas in 2006 and since 2013 as R&D manager responsible for the software products delivered by our great software team in Breda. Here the main focus is to turn market needs into practical software solutions for metering systems. Marc is product owner of the SynEnergy Supervisory Software suite and he helps to ensure that the software delivers the best business value.

Marc is 50 years old, has a degree in chemical process engineering & process automation and has applied his passion of working in industrial software development since the start of his career.