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Improved geothermal plant availability and turbine life by utilizing a new metering approach


Geothermal steam is close to saturation or even wet and contains NCGs and other unwanted substances. Compared to conventional power plants not only the geothermal turbine is facing different challenges but also the measurement of the geothermal steam. Get to know these challenges and learn about a new metering approach during this online seminar.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn the fundamentals of the geothermal power generation process
  • Understand the challenges of flow and quality (wetness) measurement of geothermal steam
  • Learn about the physical measurement principle for the online measurement of flow and steam wetness utilizing the PLR method.
  • See some typical examples of how theses systems are applied in the process


John de Viet

John de Viet

KROHNE Oil & Gas, Solutions Development Manager

John de Viet is a measurement & controls electrical engineer from origin, with interest in many fields of technology and development. After 20 years working in different functions but always in the project execution of Oil & Gas projects with a focus on quality- and flow measurements and associated skid building, John recently switched to solutions development. In this role he is responsible for combining the experience with complete systems and the product knowledge to provide solutions in the different industries KROHNE is serving.

Stefan Kranz

Stefan Kranz

KROHNE, Global Industry Division Manager Power Generation

Stefan Kranz is a technical enthusiast and mechanical engineer specialized in process dynamics and control.

After some first years with a small EPC he has been spending more than 25 years in process control instrumentation. During this period, he has gained in-depth knowledge of different instrument technologies with a focus on ultrasonics. He also gathered industry knowledge in power generation, oil & gas, refining and others.

Since 2011 Stefan has been focusing on different applications in the thermal power generation processes. He was involved in optimization projects like load flexibility enhancement.

Stefan now leads the international Industry Division Power Generation at KROHNE.