System Analysis of the Bramsche Wastewater Treatment Plant & Increasing energy efficiency with digital services


WWTP Bramsche: The outdated surface aeration system of the Bramsche Wastewater Treatment Plant reached its limits. The old surface aeration system was completely overloaded by the 20% increase capacity from industrial water. Aerzen presents the installation of a high efficient compressor station with a fine bubble aeration system

AERprogress Energy Management: In the operating blowers, factors such as wear, and environmental conditions always lead to higher energy consumption.
Intelligent machine data analysis allows hidden energy guzzlers to be found and eliminated.

Key Takeaways


  • 20% capacity increase
  • 57% energy cost reduction
  • 50% funding
  • 5.200 tons CO2 reduction in 10 years

AERprogress Energy Management:

  • Transparency about energy consumption
  • Verification according to ISO 50001:2018 with one click
  • Up to 10% additional energy savings


Markus Leidinger

Markus Leidinger

AERZEN, Application Manager Wastewater Treatment Plants
Arnd Ohme

Arnd Ohme

AERZEN, Business Development Manager & Platform Manager